April 2023 Updates
The latest edition of the Envirofocus Magazine; EnviroFocus Issue 22, April 2023 is now available for download and you can also view the EPD's Youtube page HERE.
Asbestos Contractors List
The EPD wishes to advise the public that the list of approved asbestos removal contractors has been made available for download. The EPD strongly recommends that the public note that when utilizing the services of contractors for the removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials, ONLY approved contractors should be utilised. The list can be accessed HERE.
June 2023 Updates
This article Combating Plastic Waste in the Caribbean addresses the ongoing efforts of the recent Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting to tackle the growing problem of plastic waste in the Caribbean. Participants discussed various components that an agreement to end plastic pollution should contain and touched on the phases of the plastic lifecycle where action should be taken and the form and content of a legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution.
August 2023 Updates
The Environmental Protection Department in association with the Lands and Surveys Department are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest initiative – a dedicated online portal for reporting derelict buildings and vehicles within our community. This innovative platform aims to streamline the process of identifying and addressing abandoned structures and discarded vehicles, fostering a cleaner and safer environment for all.
This Green Paper was prepared as a consultative document under the guidance of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources as Chair of a Technical Working Group comprising: the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, the Ministry of the Environment and National Beautification, the Environmental Protection Department, the Barbados Water Authority, the Coastal Zone Management Unit and with assistance from the Government’s Special Envoy for Climate Change, Energy, Water and the Environment.
September 2023 Updates
Consultancy Opportunity for a National Project Assistant
The Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) programme seeks to address the sound management of chemicals and waste in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The BCRC-Caribbean is currently executing the Caribbean Child Project (GEF 10279) which involves nine (9) countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago)
The BCRC-Caribbean is seeking to recruit a suitably qualified and experienced individual as a National Project Assistant (NPA) for Barbados, to support the Centre with the implementation of the GEF ISLANDS 10279 Project
International Day for Clean Air for Blue Skies 2023 Article
The world today marked the fourth International Day of Clean Air for blue skies with calls to build multistakeholder partnerships, bolster investment and embrace our shared responsibility to address air pollution. Over 99 per cent of people on Earth breathe polluted air, which causes an estimated 6.7 million premature deaths a year and serious health impacts. In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly designated 7 September as the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. The Day – whose observance is facilitated by the UN Environment Progamme (UNEP) – stresses the importance of clean air and the urgent need for efforts to improve air quality to protect human health.
The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) invites you to view the article “Battling an Invisible Killer” which highlights the problem with air pollution and some strategies we can use to mitigate some of the impacts in efforts to achieve a future with clean air for blue skies. Click the image below.
October 2023 Updates
The Marine Pollution Control Act 392A and the Table of Prohibited Conentrations are now available in the Policy and Legislation section of the website for download.
Complete Discharger Information Report
The complete discharger information report is now available to applicable person for download. Please complete the attached form as required by all operators who discharge to the environment under Section 6 (d) of the Marine Pollution Control Act CAP 392A. If you have any questions on the completion of this form, please call - 1 (246) 535 4600.
Please click here to go to our downloads page.